20325 Andesine Ridge is listed for rent at $ 1,650. The Rental property has 4 bedrooms, 2 Full Bathrooms, 1961 square feet and was built in . The lot size is 0 Square feet. ##BR##Rhino $0 Deposit Program now available. This spacious two-story home has a convenient layout. An open-concept family room, kitchen and dining nook is situated on the first floor, along with the owner’s suite which features a private full bathroom. Upstairs is a spacious loft perfect for hosting movie nights and three secondary bedrooms. Property will Nestled in the heart of San Antonio, residents have easy access to shopping and dining as well as local schools and attractions. The San Antonio Missions, Calaveras Lake, Confluence Park and San Antonio River Walk are just some of the many sites just moments from the community. Credit/Rental history must be in good standing. Sod front and back yard, sprinkler system, Interior blinds and refrigerator installed shortly. Pets under 25Lbs. Must complete pet screening on application form. Everyone over 18 must fill out an application and will be included on the lease. Applicants combined GROSS monthly income must be 3x monthly rent and income m
Rhino $0 Deposit Program now available. This spacious two-story home has a convenient layout. An open-concept family room, kitchen and dining nook is situated on the first floor, along with the owner's suite which features a private full bathroom. Upstairs is a spacious loft perfect for hosting movie nights and three secondary bedrooms. Property will Nestled in the heart of San Antonio, residents have easy access to shopping and dining as well as local schools and attractions. The San Antonio Missions, Calaveras Lake, Confluence Park and San Antonio River Walk are just some of the many sites just moments from the community. Credit/Rental history must be in good standing. Sod front and back yard, sprinkler system, Interior blinds and refrigerator installed shortly. Pets under 25Lbs. Must complete pet screening on application form. Everyone over 18 must fill out an application and will be included on the lease. Applicants combined GROSS monthly income must be 3x monthly rent and income m
Descargo de responsabilidad: La configuración y las dimensiones del lote son estimaciones, no se basan en conocimiento personal y provienen de un tercero (Productos de mapas digitales); por lo tanto, no debe confiar en las estimaciones y realizar una confirmación independiente de su exactitud.
Información adicional
Comp Buy
Comp SubAgent
*Descargo de responsabilidad: La oferta de compensación del corredor de cotización se hace únicamente a los participantes del MLS donde se presenta la cotización.
La información escolar se genera por computadora y puede no ser precisa o actual. El comprador debe verificar y confirmar de forma independiente la inscripción en la escuela. Comuníquese con el distrito escolar para determinar las escuelas a las que está asignada esta propiedad.
Viabilidad financiera de alquilar o vender su casa.
Información de alquiler
Informe de tráfico de listados tabla
Pago de Renta Mensual
Retorno Anual de la Inversión
Información de compra
Informe de tráfico de listados tabla
Precio de compra
Pago inicial
Plazo de la hipoteca
Tasa de interés
Pago Hipotecario Mensual
Impuesto Mensual
Total Mensual
Análisis coste-beneficio
Los cálculos se basan en un tasa de inflación anual a lo largo de años (el tiempo entre ahora y cuando estima que vendería la casa). Permita ligeras diferencias de redondeo.
Total de Pagos de Renta y Seguros
Total de Pagos de Renta y Seguros
Costos totales
Informe de tráfico de listados tabla
Total de pagos de intereses
Costos totales de cierre
Costos totales del impuesto a la propiedad
Costos totales de mantenimiento
Costos totales del seguro de propietario de vivienda